Today is the 29th anniversary of John Lennon's death and apparently the man of peace, was killed by Stephen King, not Mark David Chapman. Yes, I said Stephen King. According to Steven Lightfoot, a conspiracy theorist and an insane man, the award winning author is the true killer of John Lennon---oh and Richard Nixon helped. I am serious here people. Steven Lighfoot truly believes that Stephen King killed Lennon and he wrote a book to prove it! I am dying of laughter as I write this so here's the link you can read this
John Lennon.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Life is like a Box of Chocolates...
These are the movie quotes that seem to always find there way into my head...
"Life is like a box of chocolates"-Forrest Gump
"You can't hide what is in your heart"-The Green Mile
"Bring it!"-Bring It On
"We have a half a pack of cigarettes, a full tank of gas,its 200 miles to Chicago, its dark, and we're wearing sun glasses...hit it!"-Blues Brothers
"You don't want your baby comin' out the womb talkin bout' where the liquor at."-Deliver us From Eva.
"No body puts baby in a corner."-Dirty Dancing
"Call the Po, Po, Hoe."-Tyler Perry's Diary of a Mad Black Woman.
"Ain't life Grand."-Bonnie and Clyde
"You got knocked the f**k out."-Friday
"Daddy would you like some sausage."-Freedy Got Fingered.
"Mama's little mistake down by the lake."-Johnson Family vacation
"Say Hello to my little friend."-Scareface
Well as you can see my movie tastes are very diversed and I remeber almost everything.
"Life is like a box of chocolates"-Forrest Gump
"You can't hide what is in your heart"-The Green Mile
"Bring it!"-Bring It On
"We have a half a pack of cigarettes, a full tank of gas,its 200 miles to Chicago, its dark, and we're wearing sun glasses...hit it!"-Blues Brothers
"You don't want your baby comin' out the womb talkin bout' where the liquor at."-Deliver us From Eva.
"No body puts baby in a corner."-Dirty Dancing
"Call the Po, Po, Hoe."-Tyler Perry's Diary of a Mad Black Woman.
"Ain't life Grand."-Bonnie and Clyde
"You got knocked the f**k out."-Friday
"Daddy would you like some sausage."-Freedy Got Fingered.
"Mama's little mistake down by the lake."-Johnson Family vacation
"Say Hello to my little friend."-Scareface
Well as you can see my movie tastes are very diversed and I remeber almost everything.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Schindler's List
One word seemed to constantly penetrate my thoughts as I watched Schindler's List, haunting. The images, the violence, the constant degredation of human life all amounted to the haunting of my consciousness. I had always thought I knew what happened in the removal of the Jews from the Karkow, but I truly had no idea. I couldn't fathom the images I saw as I watched this movie. The coloring of the film as black and white did not lessen the affect of anything I watched. The film being done in black and white actually caused the true reality of what I was witnessing set in more. The film had no bright side or happy moments, even the end of the movie, which was suppose to be uplifiting, was a bleak depression to me. It was uplifting in the sense that these people survived, but also saddening when you think of all those who did not survive. The bright spot I did find in the movie though was the character of Oskar Schindler himself. Maybe it was the fact that Schindler was portrayed by Liam Nessen, or just the pure humanity the film portrayed Schindler as having, is why I was truly mesmerized by Schindler. Schindler, according to both the movie and his biographer, did not set out to save a group of people, but to save himself. He wanted to turn a profit on the war. He saw the war as a way to make money and the Jews were the cheapest labor. Normally if I had heard that someone was turning a profit for war, I would be appalled. War is not something you profit from because no one wins. Schindler searching for a profit, however, did not disgust me I was actually applauding him. I found as I watched the movie, that I did not care if his intentions for saving his Jews were merely profit, but that he did save these innocent people. One scene that stands out most in my mind is the images of Schindler watching the raid on the ghetto from the hilltop. That scene stuck out the most in my mind because not only was it the most brutal, but the most prolific. As I watched this scene I could see the absolute fear and distress in Schindler's eyes. I was horrified by the murdering and mesmerized by the pain present in Schindler's eyes. The novel seemed to often stress the importance Schindler placed on profit and his abilities as a munipulator, but as I watched the movie those thoughts seemed farthest from my mind. Schindler was an extrordinary munipulator. He seemed to bribe SS officers with ease and he did so without thoughts of his fancial security, but thoughts for those he wanted to keep safe. Another scene of the movie that stood out in my mind was one of the ending scenes in which the Jews are thanking him for his bravery and give him the ring. Schindler remarks to the Jews that he is not this prominent man that they see him as but a swindler, thief, and munipulator. I was struck by this scene because of the way Schindler viewed himself. Watching the movie I did not see Schindler in any of these ways. I may have a thought this a little while reading, but as I watched the movie I did not. The violence and danger Schindler faced was brought to life by the movie. While watching the movie I forgot all about the book and its emphasis on Schindler and his money. I thought that how could a man watch somethign as vile as the Karkow raid and still put their lives on the line willingly. Money doesn't mean a thing when you're dead and each time that Oskar pressed for another Jew for his factory that is what he was doing.
This movie was by far one of the best and the worse I have ever viewed. I cried from the beginning of the movie until the end. This movie is a great testmeant to 'bearing witness" as Elie Wiesel would say.
This movie was by far one of the best and the worse I have ever viewed. I cried from the beginning of the movie until the end. This movie is a great testmeant to 'bearing witness" as Elie Wiesel would say.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to all! I hope that your turkey day is womderful.
I would also like to say that I am thankful for my Mom, my family, and my crazy bestfriend Jo.
I would also like to say that I am thankful for my Mom, my family, and my crazy bestfriend Jo.
Friday, November 20, 2009
I frustrate you?
Yesterday in class Professor Kristi told me that I frustrate her. Wow. Once she said that all I could do was laugh. I frustrate her? Seriously. I go crazy writting for her/your class. I still enjoy this class though. (=
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Sarah Palin and "Going Rouge"
I am the first person to admit that I don't not know Sarah Palin personally and I have no right to judge her, but I also am the first person to admit, I don't like her. I don't. Her platform is something I could care less for and her personality, from what I have seen in interviews, just rubs me the wrong way. I don't think that she would have been qualified for the job of VP. I would not trust this woman to walk me across the street, yet alone run my country. I was raised in a Democratic household, but I praise myself in being an independent. My views are in the middle of being either way, so my disapproval does not center on her being a Republican. I feel that she is not educated enough for a job in that high of an office and that she seems to play the blame game a lot. She, from what I have viewed recently, seems to be blaming the downfall of the McCain/Palin campaign in 08 to the campaign runners. She seems to be trying to deflect the responsibilty of why her ticket lost on the basis that she was not allowed to do anything. I don't agree. I feel like instead of saying "Yes we lost the election and I am at fault as is so and so..."she is saying, "Well, if they let me do things my way..." (I will not judge her personally life when it comes to her daughter because things happen. She was a working mother. I will however say that she was not a single working mother so a little more attention should have been paid, but hey my mom is a single working mother, so I get that you can't always be exactly where your children are.) Sarah Palin to me can be summed up in a few short words, judgemental, arrogant, air-head,pompus, flaky, and un informed. I am am not downing Sarah Palin because I am an Obama supporter, even though I am. I am saying that before she runs in 2012, she should consider taking some advice from Hilary Clinton or Nancy Pelowsi on how to become a serious female politician.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Today is not my day
Okay. Do you know those days where nothing seems to go your way? Well, that was how my day went today. As the day goes on I also realize that, things aren't getting any better. First thing that happened to me today was, I locked my keys in my car. Yup, with the car running. Smart huh? I had to climb through the back hatch window to get in. Not fun at all. Next thing I did was leave my power cord, to my dead laptop at home, and didn't remeber that it wasn't in my case until i got to my class. Third thing, I forgot my cell phone at home. I am lost without my phone. Then on top of all of this I have a mild concussion, really great. Yesterday night I tripped on the rug in my bathroom fell and banged my head off of the tub. I was to stubborn and tired (I know the tiredness should have been a sign) to go yesterday, so I went today and just my luck, a small concussion. So now here I am, an ice pack on my head, my laptop charging, my cell right next to me, and my car keys on the kitchen table. In the words of Clyde Barrow, "Ain't life Grand?"
Friday, November 13, 2009
Bitter Sweet

"How many brothaz fell victim to these streetz...
Rest in peace young n***a, there's a Heaven for a 'G'
be a lie if I told ya, I never thought about death,
my n***as we the last one's left
but life goes on..."
Tupac Shakur "Life Goes On."
Thursday, November 12, 2009
It not because I cannot Explain...
"It is not because I cannot explain, that you will not understand; it is because you will not understand, that I cannot explain." -Elie Wiesel
One question that everyone seems to have in regards to the Holocaust is the simple question of why. Why did this happen, why was the Holocaust aimed at the Jews, and why innocent people. The question of why, itself presents a conundrum. In asking why people are searching for a higher meaning, an answer. In searching for these meanings we are searching for understanding. Understanding is the ability to sympathize and feel, to comprehend why something is the way it is. As Elie Wiesel has pointed out however, in searching for understanding we are getting nowhere, because there is no explantion for the Holocaust. Sure we can blame Hitler's evilness, but what about the higher meaning everyone searches for, like why did God let this happen and why didn't anyone stop this.
The only way to understand is to "bare witness" and not repeat past mistakes, as Elie Wiesel has pointed out. Understanding is not something that can be achieved by glancing over a few old photographs, but by vowing to do better. Just think of what is happening at the moment in Darfur. Why are we letting this happen? We all strive to understand, yet we are not trying to do better. What have we learned? Nothing apparently. We have to do better. We have to bare witness for all those who are not here; all of those whose bodies perished amongst the flames of ovens, all of those who remain nameless, and all of those who just cannot find the words to speak. If we are searching for meaning so profusly, why are we still not understanding and repeating pasts mistakes. Darfur is real and proves that we still do not understand.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Yeah Me
I am flying high right now! I receieved an A on my English midterm and my Poli Sci. I hate to sound like London from The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, but "Yeah Me!"
Monday, October 26, 2009
I am so frustrated right now! UGH! There is no other way to say it besides UGH! I can't sleep, I hardly ever eat, and I seriously think my brain is smoking. Plus on top of that I have a serious case of writers block. The ideas are there but I have no clue how to put them on paper. I feel like all I want to do is run into a dar, dark sorner and hide. My sarcastic ability to laugh everything off is seriously failing me at this moment. I don't know what else to do.I know that I have always been wound to tightly, but if I wind my self up anymore, I think that I am going to go insane. Insanity sounds nice right now; just to check out mentally with no care in the world. I have four papers within the matter of two weeks and two exams on the same day. In June 2009 when I was handed my diploma, I wish someone would have said: "Enjoy college kid, because it will drive you to drink."
In the midst of all these negatives I do have some bright news.
I have an A in my polisci class and I got a B+ on my english paper. The B+ kind of brings me back to my frustration though....WHAT IN THE HELL AM I DOING WRONG IN COMPOSITION THEN??????UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm done ranting for the moment. I think that I will go lock myself in a padded cell right now. or jump from something really high the Empire State building or the Efifel Tower...*remeber sarcasm people*
In the midst of all these negatives I do have some bright news.
I have an A in my polisci class and I got a B+ on my english paper. The B+ kind of brings me back to my frustration though....WHAT IN THE HELL AM I DOING WRONG IN COMPOSITION THEN??????UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm done ranting for the moment. I think that I will go lock myself in a padded cell right now. or jump from something really high the Empire State building or the Efifel Tower...*remeber sarcasm people*
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Analysis of FDR's Four Freedoms
FDR's speech was very well articulated and written, but the opening was a bit confusing and too broad. His main point in this speech was to deter American's from denying the war on the basis of our values and freedoms, yet he started the speech by talking about the rise of America from the Revoultionary War. I undersand the connection he was drawing, but felt a bit put off by the length it took him to reach his thesis. His thesis was, that as long as Americans stand idle on the subject of entering the war, they would be endanger of loosing liberty and freedom; the more democratic nations that fall to tyranny, the more in jeopardy we are in loosing all that we have come to know. The thesis was a good, because it left room for debate. In his speech FDR managed to convey his thesis very well with evidence, but at some point the evidence becomes unclear in the relation to his thesis. The reader begans to hear about war costs and medical care, in which I have to question where his focus is. The speech does a very well job at articulating why Americans should help the war effort, but at times it becomes to wordy. The reader or listener, in this casse Congress, must question what point he is getting at. The end of the speech, however, does manage to pull the entire thought process together.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Universal Lessons of the Holocaust
"There are no words", as Elie Wiesel said, to use to speak upon the Holocaust. There is no way to describe it besides saying destruction. Sure we have been taught about it since we were in grade school, but do we truly understand. We read the words that come from the people who lived it and we hear their words, but what are we doing with their testimonies. We are simply shelving them into our thoughts, acknowledging what took place and leaving it at that. Sure a few of us will venture over to Europe to see these terrors first hand, feeling as if we have done something significant, but what have we truly done. Some of us (no one at all in particular this is just an analogy) will get right back on our plane for our flight at home and watch the arabic person getting on the flight, the whole time. I think that this is the point Elie was grasping at, we will never change until we become the change we want to see. We can not look to the outside world for change within ourselves.
We may acknowledge and feel pity for those who were dealt this ordeal, but at the end of the day, this horrendous assault on a nationality of people, will be an after thought for us. We will go home to our cushioned lives, our laptops, and our families and put these thoughts out of our mind. These thoughts how ever should be the first things in our minds when we go home at night. We should walk into our houses at night and be greatful for what we have, for the saftey of our lives, and for our freedom. Although, the Holocaust was meant as a way to annihilate a race, it was also a lesson in human indignation.
Forgetting, for the survivors, is not an option; for us however it is easy. I am amazed by how those individuals, who expirenced what they went through had the abiltity to speak. I can't fathom being able to speak upon something such as this from a first hand expirence. I must agree with Elie, "where is the rage." I think that the rage is in the writting. The writting may not be written with the intention of rage, but the rage is present. This is their way of screaming out without breaking their composure.
History is madness. Humans hurt one another more than we heal. We wil never understand. We can't it is not a possible action. All we can do is better...
We may acknowledge and feel pity for those who were dealt this ordeal, but at the end of the day, this horrendous assault on a nationality of people, will be an after thought for us. We will go home to our cushioned lives, our laptops, and our families and put these thoughts out of our mind. These thoughts how ever should be the first things in our minds when we go home at night. We should walk into our houses at night and be greatful for what we have, for the saftey of our lives, and for our freedom. Although, the Holocaust was meant as a way to annihilate a race, it was also a lesson in human indignation.
Forgetting, for the survivors, is not an option; for us however it is easy. I am amazed by how those individuals, who expirenced what they went through had the abiltity to speak. I can't fathom being able to speak upon something such as this from a first hand expirence. I must agree with Elie, "where is the rage." I think that the rage is in the writting. The writting may not be written with the intention of rage, but the rage is present. This is their way of screaming out without breaking their composure.
History is madness. Humans hurt one another more than we heal. We wil never understand. We can't it is not a possible action. All we can do is better...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Midterm Evaluation
When I first entered this course I was a bit arrogant as a writer. I knew my writing needing improvement, but I was pompous in believing that my writting was okay. This class has changed my thought process on the subject of writting. In high school writting is not necessarily a joke,
(but come on now a five paragraph essay with generalizations...who does that) but there is no substance to it. You reiterate what you already have been told and that is where my arrogance came in. This class has managed to change my view on the subject of writting.
Things I have enjoyed...
1.The Book Thief
2.Charlie Meyers
3.Class discussions and quick writes
Things I think we need more of...
1.Focus more on the technical aspects of writting
2.More quick writes...(I know sorry guys...)
3.We should do more with our writting analytically book in class
Right now I have short term memory I will be updating this later....
I am very happy with my Comp class and I highly enjoy your work Professor Stewart!
(but come on now a five paragraph essay with generalizations...who does that) but there is no substance to it. You reiterate what you already have been told and that is where my arrogance came in. This class has managed to change my view on the subject of writting.
Things I have enjoyed...
1.The Book Thief
2.Charlie Meyers
3.Class discussions and quick writes
Things I think we need more of...
1.Focus more on the technical aspects of writting
2.More quick writes...(I know sorry guys...)
3.We should do more with our writting analytically book in class
Right now I have short term memory I will be updating this later....
I am very happy with my Comp class and I highly enjoy your work Professor Stewart!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Thats so random...
Uh thats like so random...
10 random things that I just know...
1.In China, watermelons are grown in boxes so that they are stackable.
2.An ostrich's eyeball is bigger than its brain.
3.Madonna's real name is Madonna.
4.Berry Gordy, the founder of Motown, was an assembly line worker at Fords.
5.J.K Rowling was once on welfare.
6.It took Susan Lucci 22 tries and almost thirty years to win a daytime Emmy.
7.Whitney Houston is cousin to Dionne Warwick
8.Stevie Wonder is a Michigan native.
9.Marvin Gaye was the last person to touch the piano that still resides at Hittsville USA, no one has touched it since.
10.I know someone that can lick their elbow.
10 random things that I just know...
1.In China, watermelons are grown in boxes so that they are stackable.
2.An ostrich's eyeball is bigger than its brain.
3.Madonna's real name is Madonna.
4.Berry Gordy, the founder of Motown, was an assembly line worker at Fords.
5.J.K Rowling was once on welfare.
6.It took Susan Lucci 22 tries and almost thirty years to win a daytime Emmy.
7.Whitney Houston is cousin to Dionne Warwick
8.Stevie Wonder is a Michigan native.
9.Marvin Gaye was the last person to touch the piano that still resides at Hittsville USA, no one has touched it since.
10.I know someone that can lick their elbow.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Rocking my ipod at the moment..
Okay, so lately I have had a few certain songs playing relentlessly on my I-pod. I am not really a big fan of mainstream music, but these songs have me singing along. I usually tend to listen to old school anything. My favorite old school groves are Al Green, Marvin Gaye, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Prince, and a few more I can't think of right now. Right now however I have these songs stuck on repeat in my head...
1.Empire State of Mind-Jay Z and Alicia Keys.
I absolutley love this song! I really want to go to New York right now.
2.Forever-Eminem, Lil Wayne, Drake, Kanye West.
I am not a rap fan at all!!! I think that it is often degrading and vile. This song however is catchy and I can relate with the lyrics.
3.You belong with Me-Taylor Swift
I am such a huge taylor Swift buff. My twelve year old cousin introduced us last year. I think that this girl is amazingly talented and I love the song.
4.Iris-Goo Goo Dolls
This song takes my breath away every time. It is amazingly beautiful.
I love Paramore. They are one of my favorite bands. I love alternative music and this song is so dead on right! If any one doesn't know who Paramore is you are seriously lost!!!
1.Empire State of Mind-Jay Z and Alicia Keys.
I absolutley love this song! I really want to go to New York right now.
2.Forever-Eminem, Lil Wayne, Drake, Kanye West.
I am not a rap fan at all!!! I think that it is often degrading and vile. This song however is catchy and I can relate with the lyrics.
3.You belong with Me-Taylor Swift
I am such a huge taylor Swift buff. My twelve year old cousin introduced us last year. I think that this girl is amazingly talented and I love the song.
4.Iris-Goo Goo Dolls
This song takes my breath away every time. It is amazingly beautiful.
I love Paramore. They are one of my favorite bands. I love alternative music and this song is so dead on right! If any one doesn't know who Paramore is you are seriously lost!!!
Today's class
I absolutley LOVED today's class. I really enjoyed learning about film and how to analyze it. I never really thought about what choices we make sub-consciously about movies. I am really intrested to learn more about film and directing. I even find myself now watching TV and analyzing angle shots and I can't wait to learn more about visual literacy!!!!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
From Liesel to Rudy...
My mouth barely moves,
Sometimes I seem so confused,
My mind is in a race,
My hearts in a daze,
When you smile at me,
Often, I go weak at the knees
I refuse to tell you,
How much I need you,
When we are together,
There is no place better,
All your teasing and taunts,
Only fuel my wants...
But still i refuse
My feelings for you,
Of course when you walk by,
i'll still roll my eyes
Then gaze at your lemon hair,
trying my hardest not to stare
Then smile as you walk away,
Knowing how you have just made my day...
This is just a small snippet of how I view Rudy and Liesl's relationship. They are so in love with one another, yet they won't say it. I just think that it is so sweet.
Then smile as you walk away,
Knowing how you have just made my day...
This is just a small snippet of how I view Rudy and Liesl's relationship. They are so in love with one another, yet they won't say it. I just think that it is so sweet.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Actions v. Words
Okay we have all heard the saying "Actions speak louder than words" but is this statment true? In reading The Book Thief we have learned that words are the cornerstone and catalyst for human action. So if words are the catalyst, do actions speak louder? Does doing something versuses saying something make the outcome anymore valuable.
Hitler was able to manipulate a nation into geniocide with words, but is it what that nation did with those words that counts more?
Just a small thought...
Hitler was able to manipulate a nation into geniocide with words, but is it what that nation did with those words that counts more?
Just a small thought...
Friday, October 2, 2009
Taxes, Death and Trouble...Just a small rant...
In the words of Marvin Gaye only three things in life are guaranteed....
Are these truly the only things in life that we are guarenteed?
What about free will? Does the Bible not say that as humans we have free will.
What about love? Isn't everyone loved at some point.
What about freedom?
What is freedom?
Are we truly free?
Janis Joplin once said that freedom is nothing left to loose (Janis Joplin-Bobby McGee 1968)
Would the Jews from the Holocaust agree with this assumption. They had nothing left to loose.
Are these truly the only things in life that we are guarenteed?
What about free will? Does the Bible not say that as humans we have free will.
What about love? Isn't everyone loved at some point.
What about freedom?
What is freedom?
Are we truly free?
Janis Joplin once said that freedom is nothing left to loose (Janis Joplin-Bobby McGee 1968)
Would the Jews from the Holocaust agree with this assumption. They had nothing left to loose.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Exile or Mercy
Let me just start this post by saying my great grandparents were Polish Jews. They left Poland and headed to America before Nazi persecution began, but my heart feels for all those whose family wasn't so lucky.
Mercy for these men is not an option in my opinion. They are guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Crimes against humanity are defined as offences against or serious attacks on human dignity or grave humiliation or degradation of one or more human beings.
Did these men not commit these specified acts? In the article these men claim ignorance but does ignorance constitute innocence? NO! I feel that these men should be exiled back to the grounds in which they helped (knowingly on not...more than likely knowingly) decimate a human race. They may have escaped the Numberg Trials, but does that mean that they should not pay for their acts anyways. If we allow their age to become a factor in their deportation, are we not allowing ignorance to constitute as innocence. These men knew what they were doing was immoral and wrong. Simply sayiong they had no choice is unexcusable. They did have a choice. They just chose not to do the right and moral thing. They are guilty and they need to own up to what they did. They should come full circle with what they did and take their punishments as they did serving there own brand of justice.
Mercy for these men is not an option in my opinion. They are guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Crimes against humanity are defined as offences against or serious attacks on human dignity or grave humiliation or degradation of one or more human beings.
Did these men not commit these specified acts? In the article these men claim ignorance but does ignorance constitute innocence? NO! I feel that these men should be exiled back to the grounds in which they helped (knowingly on not...more than likely knowingly) decimate a human race. They may have escaped the Numberg Trials, but does that mean that they should not pay for their acts anyways. If we allow their age to become a factor in their deportation, are we not allowing ignorance to constitute as innocence. These men knew what they were doing was immoral and wrong. Simply sayiong they had no choice is unexcusable. They did have a choice. They just chose not to do the right and moral thing. They are guilty and they need to own up to what they did. They should come full circle with what they did and take their punishments as they did serving there own brand of justice.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The irony in it all
"Federal agents arrested him in 2003 as he hid in a secret compartment under a stairwell in the home he shared with his wife in Clinton Township. The agents had a judge lock him up as a flight risk."
Before I start my blog, I would just like to point out the irony in this small excerpt from the article. This man was found hiding in a compartment to escape prosecution. Hmmm.....sound familar. He knew what he did and instead of standing up and taking blame, he hid. He hid not for survival but of cowardice.
If I could question this man I would say to him:
"What would Hitler think about you hiding like a Juden?"
I wonder what Hitler would say. Afterall Hitler was just a COWARD !!
Before I start my blog, I would just like to point out the irony in this small excerpt from the article. This man was found hiding in a compartment to escape prosecution. Hmmm.....sound familar. He knew what he did and instead of standing up and taking blame, he hid. He hid not for survival but of cowardice.
If I could question this man I would say to him:
"What would Hitler think about you hiding like a Juden?"
I wonder what Hitler would say. Afterall Hitler was just a COWARD !!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Never back down the Winston way.
"Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail.
We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old."
Words...What are they really, letters strewn together to form a thought or action...or are they much more? The answer is more. Much MORE. Take Winston Churchill for example. The above excerpt is from one of his most famous speeches. All of the words are simple words. Words that most people know and understand. Strewn together and constructed correctly these words became powerful enough to move a nation; and they did!
The Germans had been waging a determined fight against allie troops. The Allie war effort was becoming despondent. Paris had fallen and Britian was under siege. These words however, simple words at that managed to inspire and move a nation. Churchill moved a nation essentially resurrecting it. He caused not only his country, but other allies to spring out of the ashes of war.Churchill knew what he was saying and knew how his words would inspire.
I myself even think of these words now when i come to an oppisition on the my way.
Sorry typos...oops i'm really
We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old."
Words...What are they really, letters strewn together to form a thought or action...or are they much more? The answer is more. Much MORE. Take Winston Churchill for example. The above excerpt is from one of his most famous speeches. All of the words are simple words. Words that most people know and understand. Strewn together and constructed correctly these words became powerful enough to move a nation; and they did!
The Germans had been waging a determined fight against allie troops. The Allie war effort was becoming despondent. Paris had fallen and Britian was under siege. These words however, simple words at that managed to inspire and move a nation. Churchill moved a nation essentially resurrecting it. He caused not only his country, but other allies to spring out of the ashes of war.Churchill knew what he was saying and knew how his words would inspire.
I myself even think of these words now when i come to an oppisition on the my way.
Sorry typos...oops i'm really
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Book Thief... Is Death
In reading the Book Thief there is one thing i have to question. That question being: Is Death really guilty of murder. He himself even states that he is a result of human infraction.. So does Death truly have blood on his hands? Is Death guilty? If he is merely a product of human nature.Who are we to blame him for loss of human life. Like he says he is not malicious or evil. We have painted him as malicious and evil. We are so afraid of Death that we have truly surpassed or over looked what we should truly fear; each other. We are the ones who kill. We are the ones hate each other. We are the ones who fear each other. I know that living life in fear isn't a healthy way to live, but why live in fear of Death? Every one dies. No one lives forever. I think we live in fear of death because fearing death is simplier than looking at the inhumanities of one another. We use Death as a scape goat to justify our own actions. Death. Guilty or innocent. Innocent in my eyes. The only thing Death is guilty of is being a result to our actions.
Monday, September 14, 2009
I will be the frist person to admit that I am a very complicated person. I am very private and hard to read. I myself don't undestand me sometimes. (I'm not sure if that makes any sense). I have my good days and bad days like everyone else. At first glance, I may come off like a hard ass, but i really am not. I'm sweet, understanding, and i care for eveything. So for me to do this blog is a bit hard but I will manage. Now don't get me wrong. I love free speech. The abiltity to say what you feel at any given moment is amazing. I however, tend to over analyze and forget what to say. So for all those out there wondering who i am here are ten things you should know....
10. I am very hard headed. (I know it's a bad thing, but hey i can't help it.)
9.I can be very sarcastic. (but take it with a grain of salt. I don't mean everything i say.)
8.I love apple juice but hate apples. (I know it's really random)
7.I can be a bit of an air head.(But then again who isn't?)
6.I love to listen to music. (If I look like I'm having a stoke ignore it. I'm probably just dancing to a song in my head.)
5.General Hospital is my favorite TV show.(I don't care what anyone says...I love it!)
4.My mom is Jewish and Polish my dad's african and indian American and i'm confused(LOL)
3.I am going into law. (don't know exactly where into law yet though.)
2.I love reading ( You're never alone if you have a good book.)
1.I can't be anyone else but myself. Sorry but it's the truth(Sometime i don't know who that is so bear with me.)
I am a good person though. I hope that you have learned from me today and i look forward to learning about you!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
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